Kolor + Plus™


Resin Color Modifier and Opaquing Kit

Kolor + Plus is a light-cured, viscous liquid resin color modifier and opaquing kit that offers the ultimate in complete color creativity for the discerning dentist and laboratory technician. It contains eight different color modifiers, one untinted and two different opaquers. These modifiers were designed to be used under or between layers of composite resin restoratives. Kolor + Plus is not designed to be used on the surface of restorations.


23394Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Yellow2 ml
23395Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Lavender2 ml
23396Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Brown2 ml
23397Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Blue2 ml
23398Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- White2 ml
23399Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Red2 ml
23400Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Gray2 ml
23401Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Untinted2 ml
23402Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Opaque A12 ml
23403Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Opaque A32 ml
23404Kolor + Plus Refill Bottles- Ochre2 ml


How many colors do you have in the kit?

There are 11 shades.

Can you mix two or more shades together to get another shade?

Yes, you can but be careful not to incorporate air into it.

Is Kolor Plus a light curing system?

Yes it is.

When do you apply the Kolor Plus?

You apply the Kolor Plus after the bonding agent is placed down on the tooth.

Can you apply Kolor Plus on the top of the restoration?

No, it should either go on top of the bonding agent or between layers of composite.

What are the opaquers used for?

Opaquers are used to mask or cover stains or metal.


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Kerr Restorative Catalog
Document Type: Product Brochure
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 - 02:06
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