Hawe™ Stopstrip


Hawe Stopstrips are transparent anterior strips with integrated stop.

  • Strip can be positioned and fastened safely.
  • No need to hold the strips with a finger.
  • No hindrance to light-curing.
  • 0.050 mm in thickness.


640Hawe Stopstrip assortment straight Contents: 8mm and 10mm width, 75 each
650Hawe Stopstrip assortment curved Contents: 8mm and 10mm width, 75 each

Refill packs - 100

641Hawe Stopstrip, straight 8mm width
642Hawe Stopstrip, straight 10mm width
651Hawe Stopstrip, curved 8mm width
652Hawe Stopstrip, curved 10mm width

Clinical images


Hawe Stopstrip with re-inforced stay