
Fill / Obturation

Hand Pluggers

Featuring both a tapered nickel-titanium end and a stainless steel end, Buchanan Hand Pluggers can be used in any common obturation technique, including warm and cold condensation. Buchanan pluggers are also ideal for backfilling canals. While either end may condense and control the movement of gutta percha under pressure, use the NiTi end for finishing off condensation procedures in even the most radically curved canals. These NiTi/stainless steel endo pluggers are fabricated of the highest grade materials for excellent durability and sterilization.

Buchanan Hand Pluggers

Buchanan Hand Plugger 1
974-0058Buchanan Hand Plugger 1
Buchanan Hand Plugger 2
974-0059Buchanan Hand Plugger 2
Buchanan Hand Plugger 0
974-0060Buchanan Hand Plugger 0


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Kerr Endodontics - Product Catalog
Document Type: Product Brochure
Language: English (US)
Release date: 
Thursday, January 21, 2021 - 03:01
File size: 